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Beijing WFOE Company Set upPage index:Home > Beijing WFOE Company Set up > Details page

Representative Office Opening In Beijing

Update Date:2020-10-28 10:15:07 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:492

Tel: 86-13717945838(Jonna)   wechat:13717945838   Email:   


Representative Office Opening in China, Beijing

A Chinese representative office (RO) is an office of the foreign enterprise established in China for liasion with Chinese business and customers on behalf of its parent company.


A RO is not considered to be a  seperate legal entity. It can no directly engage in operational activities. However, its parent company can enter into contracts with its supplier/ customers in China in its own name, but not in the name of RO. Therefore, before a foreign investor establishes it presence in China using wholly foreign owned enterprise, equity joint venture and cooperative joint venture, it could first set up a representative office to test the market.


Requied documents:

A) A  copy of the parent company 's business licenses with the premise that the parent company has to have established for at least two years.

B) A original credit reference letter from a well known bank to the parent company.

C) A original lease contract for the Beijing representative office, the type of the address has to be for commercial purpose only

D) Each representatives' passport copy and a brief resume.

E) A signed application letter including the name, address, staff members' name, business scope, duration

F) Appointment letters for each representatives.

G) Authorized signatory letter from the parent company

note: the above all information should be provided in Chinese version, if using foreign language, please translate into Chinese and stamped by the translation company.


Contact Us:

TEL: 86-13717945838(Jonna) 



Address: Rm1902, Bldg 17, Jianwai SOHO West, No. 39 Dongsanhuan Rd M, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing



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