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Beijing WFOE company finance Service

Update Date:2016-5-19 11:12:32 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:1757
Beijing WFOE company  finance Service
Beijing WFOE company  finance Service,The condition or premise of corporate finance
Enterprise financing has its condition and premise, whether the financing project itself quality, project investment, project investment environment, investment returns are investors' concerns, , now run the investor is concerned about the condition and premise of financing program instructions are as follows:
Financing projects investment environment and related preferential policies;
Whether financing program has been established, approved by the relevant departments, not speculate in empty concept;
Project financing is through the expert argumentation, proved to be feasible, reliable, best to attach the project feasibility study report;
The financing program is to get government support, conform to the government's industrial policy development direction;
Financing project management is a market prospects for development, to meet investors expected rate of return;
Financing project enterprise project development director and marketing director, and relevant work experience in this industry, and of a certain market share;
A complete relevant documents of the project: project introduction, feasibility study report, business plan or the government approval.

Beijing WFOE company  finance Service,Enterprise financing demand conditions or premise
Corporate finance has its condition and premise, investors typically for financiers set the basic requirements of financing, such as the conditions of the financing demand to meet the requirements of the investors, investors will be in accordance with the agreement, lending to lenders. Now put some basic requirements specification is as follows:
Reputable investment main body, their own money into more than 30% of the country's more than the funds required for the project. If there is no 30% since the investment in gold, must be able to provide the bank reference, to prove their share investment strength.
Financing in order to provide mortgage, the pledge and the escrow, or the assessment of intangible assets, including intellectual property rights, invention patent, a well-known trademark, etc.
There is a clear and feasible financing mode, financing mode of cooperation. Such as: equity cooperation, debt financing, financial leasing.
Credit line, with the plan, the repayment plan and source of repayment.
Capital USES, fund use plan.
If the enterprise financing is for the public, accept the investor equity investment proportion.
Has the ability to repay.

Beijing WFOE company  finance Service,The information provided financing demand need
In order to make the financing demand access to capital, must report to, provide the following information:
, data exchange table;
Financiers enterprise business license, certificate of legal representative and related certificates;
Financing the project introduction, feasibility study report, business plan;
Financing policy research project evaluation report;
Financing of enterprise financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet, audit report, project budget;
Financing project assessment, project images, film and television information, etc

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