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Local governments may earn rewards for NEV sales growth

Update Date:2015-12-21 17:32:57 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:971
China is switching its focus in promoting new-energy vehicles from providing incentives to electric carmakers and buyers to giving subsidies for the construction and maintenance of charging facilities.

Last week, a draft plan intended to stimulate the extension of electric car charging facilities across the country in the next five years was released for public opinion by five government departments, including the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Science and Technology.

The draft makes local governments eligible for up to 200 million yuan ($30.8 million) in annual rewards from the central government.

According to the draft, provinces and cities are able to receive rewards from the top authority, and the higher their NEV sales figures, the larger the rewards.

Next year, areas that meet a minimum requirement of selling more than 30,000 NEVs will get 9,000 yuan for each vehicle sold. In addition, the central government will provide a special bonus of 7.5 million yuan for every 2,500 units of increased sales. The reward ceiling is 120 million yuan.

Both minimum requirements and the incentive ceiling will grow annually, the draft said.

In 2020, the minimum sales requirement will grow to 70,000 units and areas that qualify will earn 12,600 yuan for each sale. The bonus rule will change to 11 million yuan for every 6,000 units of increased sales, and the bonus cap to 200 million yuan.

The draft calls for all local governments to make plans to promote new-energy vehicle and charging infrastructure operation, and to report those plans to the drafters by the end of March.

The draft said the reward money must be used in areas related to charging facilities, such as construction, operation and upgrades to facilities.

The money may not go to subsidies for purchasing NEVs or operating electric car businesses, which are the current destination of most NEV incentives.

The article transsshipment from China Daily

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