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China slams US double standards on terrorism

Update Date:2015-12-24 10:09:41 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:1002
BEIJING - China on Wednesday rejected US criticism against its draft law on terrorism and urged Washington to refrain from applying "double standards" in fighting terrorism.

"We hope the United States will stop groundless accusations and respect China's law-making processes," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a regular press briefing.

He was responding to a question regarding a statement by the US State Department expressing concern over the draft.

Increasing terrorist attacks have posed serious threats to China's national security and the life and property of its people, China's legislation on terrorism is completely necessary to prevent and crack down on terrorism, Hong said.

He stressed that fighting terrorism itself is part of the efforts to protect human rights, and that the Chinese government attaches importance to striking a balance between anti-terrorism measures and protection of human rights.

The spokesman pointed out that as Internet is frequently used by terrorists in planning and conducting attacks, countries including the United States enacted laws obligating Internet operators and service providers to providing assistance to law enforcement agencies.

Similar items in China's draft anti-terrorism law is completely reasonable and will not constitute a breach of corporate intellectual property rights or citizens' freedom of speech, Hong said

The article transsshipment from China Daily

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