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Lanxess making 'green' tires to suit China

Update Date:2016-1-12 10:13:02 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:979
Ming Cheng Chien, 60, CEO, Greater China, Lanxess, the German specialty chemicals maker, has worked in the United States and Europe for more than 30 years, but that has not made him any less Chinese, or Shanghainese, to be precise. He does not tire of emphasizing that many of his achievements are related to the significant growth in China.

"Over the years, the discussion over China strategy has been intense among the top management as the China market becomes more and more dynamic. The company management discussed long-term success in China, and the conclusion is, we must have our business live in China, grow with China, and serve the China market with tailor-made products," said Chien.

He said when in China, it is very important to understand what the country needs as the challenges a foreign company faces differ from country to country. But as one of the earliest Chinese students to study abroad after the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), Chien knows only too well how to tackle the culture conflict.

In the decade-long chaos, most Chinese youth gave up studies, but some such as Chien persevered, reading whatever books they could find, little knowing that this could change their lives. As it transpired, Chien spent time then on his hobby of learning English. "To this day, it remains the most magical thing that has changed the script of my life."

In 1977, when China re-established the college entrance examination system, he enrolled into Shanghai's East China Normal University to study French.

"Learning English during the hard times provided me a surprising chance of catching up with the education when the universities reopened. And that was one of the most crucial moments in my life."

The article transsshipment from China Daily

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