China's oil giant, Alibaba to jointly offer 'smart energy' services
Update Date:2016-3-11 14:23:09 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:913
BEIJING - Open up the app on your cellphone and pay your gas bill with just one tap.
That is what possibly could be achieved through a partnership between China's energy giant China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Alibaba and its Internet finance arm Ant Financial, after the two sides signed an official agreement on Thursday.
According to a statement published on CNPC website, the partnership will focus on online maps, logistics, Internet payment, and membership sharing.
CNPC PetroChina already allows customers to add credit to their pre-paid gas cards through Ant Financial's Alipay, one of the country's leading mobile payment systems.
This agreement is a new approach by CNPC in its battle against low oil prices and signals a desire by both sides to transform the oil and gas industry, the statement said.
China is transforming its energy sector with the help of the Internet. A guideline on the "Internet Plus" strategy released by the State Council last year has listed "smart energy" as one of its 11 priorities.
CNPC and Alibaba are attempting to a system that improves the customer experience by meeting their demand, the statement said.
The article transsshipment from China Daily
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