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COSCO Pacific Ltd acquires 35% stake in Euromax Terminal

Update Date:2016-5-12 14:48:41 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:875
COSCO Pacific Ltd, a subsidiary of China COSCO Shipping Corp, entered into a share sale and purchase agreement with ECT Participations BV on Wednesday to acquire a 35 percent equity interest in the Netherlands-based Euromax Terminal.

The amount required for the acquisition is 41.43 million euros ($47.34 million) for 35 percent of the share capital of Euromax and to pay for assignment on a dollar for dollar basis of 35 percent of the shareholder’s loan.

ECT Participations BV is a subsidiary of Hutchison Port Holdings Ltd, a private holding company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.

Euromax is principally engaged in the business of operating the Euromax Terminal Rotterdam, which is located in Maasvlakte I of the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

The article transsshipment from China Daily

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