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Auto-parts maker Wanxiang comfortable stateside

Update Date:2016-6-22 11:01:09 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:897
Wanxiang America, a subsidiary of China's largest auto-parts manufacturer, feels at home in the US.
"Often times, we debate about who we are. And today, instead of saying we are a Chinese company, which is where we are originally from, I would say we are indeed a USA company," said Ni Pin, president of Wanxiang America.

Ni spoke at the SelectUSA summit, where more than 150 Chinese delegates were looking to expand their businesses into the US. Ni took part in a panel discussion on risk-taking and resilience, hosted by the Washington Hilton Hotel on Monday.

Wanxiang Group has become a global company with $25 billion in revenue, owning more than 40 auto-manufacturing plants worldwide. One in every two vehicles made in the US is equipped with components made in Wanxiang's US plants. It has operations in 26 US states and employs more than 13,500 people.

Ni's company is well acquainted with taking risks in the US market, having first invested here in 1994. Since then, the company has played a positive role in the US economy, buying out failing companies and turning them into profitable businesses.

The article transsshipment from China Daily

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