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China Jinjiang Environment lists on SGX Mainboard

Update Date:2016-8-4 15:24:01 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:973
SINGAPORE - China Jinjiang Environment (Jinjiang Environment) listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange (SGX) on Wednesday.

The listing of Jinjiang Environment will bring the total number of SGX Mainboard companies to 586, with a combined market capitalization of about S$902 billion ($671.6 billion), said SGX.

Wang Yuanluo, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of China Jinjiang Environment, said listing on the SGX Mainboard will further enhance Jinjiang's brand image and recognition, and provide the company with a platform to expand business internationally, especially with a focus on Southeast Asia.

"We intend to leverage on our reach and extensive network to enhance our future growth, technical expertise and research and development capabilities, allowing us to innovate and adapt to the demands of the waste-to-energy industry," she added.

The article transsshipment from China Daily

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