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Beijing Trademark RegistrationPage index:Home > Beijing Trademark Registration > Details page

Beijing Trademark Registration

Update Date:2015-11-10 14:57:59 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:1744
Beijing Trademark Registration,i. Document required.
1.Trademark logo (JPG or PDF format) and trademark words.
2.The goods and services that will be associated with your trademark.

3.Business Registration (BR) or ID cards of trademark owner.

4.Contact (including telephone, fax, and email).

Beijing Trademark Registration,ii. Apply process.

1.Provide the trademark logo & words.

2.To search the trademark in the database of the Trademark Office, and make suggestions accordingly with our analysis about registration probabilities.
3.Send the trademark registration & invoice letter, if the report shows the trademark can be registered. Send the reason & advices letter if the trademark can’t be registered.

4.Confirm the trademark registration, sign an entrustment agreement and power of attorney for trademark application, and pay the bill.

5.Prepare trademark application form and submit the application in two working days.

6.Submit the application documents to the Trademark Office.
7.A Trademark Acceptance Notice will be received in about three months upon submission of the application.
8.An announcement will be made for the trademark in about two years upon submission of application for a term of approximately three months.
9.The trademark will be granted if no opposition is received during the announcement period.

10.The trademark will be approved if no opposition is received during the announcement period.

Contact Us:
Beijing Tel: 86-13717945838
Address: Rm1902, Bldg 17, Jianwai SOHO West, No. 39 Dongsanhuan Rd, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China

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