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Beijing Trademark RegistrationPage index:Home > Beijing Trademark Registration > Details page

Application for Assignment of Registered Trademark

Update Date:2016-1-28 9:31:03 Source:BeiJing Tannet Views:1272
Where a registered trademark is to be assigned, both the assignor and assignee should submit an Application for Assignment of Registered Trademark to the Trademark Office, while the application procedures are to be completed by the assignee. Upon approval granted by the Trademark Office, a certificate to that effect will be issued to the assignee and the assignment will be announced.

When assigning a registered trademark, the trademark registrant should assign simultaneously the same or similar trademarks registered by him for the same or similar goods.If the exclusive right to use a registered trademark is to be transferred for reasons other than assignment, the transferee should complete the procedures for the transfer of such right with the Trademark Office by presenting the relevant supporting documents or legal documentation.
When transferring the exclusive right to use a registered trademark, the transferor should, without reservation, transfer simultaneously the same or similar trademarks registered by him for the same or similar goods.

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